Having your website translated is a good idea. But making certain that changes to your site content reflect in the translated version regularly is hard. Website content localization is a nonstop process. Getting website localization right requires planning and proper execution. There is an abundance of high-quality website content translation services out there, that make expert translation scalable and reasonably priced.
Website localization brings in the following advantages:
Site localization crosses the language obstruction
20 % of internet users all around the world are non-native English speakers. This figure will rise even more due to increasing access to PCs and the web outside of Europe and America. Website localization breaks language barriers and opens the doors for other continents.
Companies are waking up to the truth that English is no longer the sole global language. But, it is one of the many global languages including French, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese etc. With the figure of companies now realizing the benefits of website localization, there are more pages in overseas languages than ever earlier. This means if your company’s site has not undergone the localization process yet, it will be playing hold up in the future.
Website localization put up credibility
If your business has a site in English only. Whereas, your competitors have a website in all main languages. Which one will gain more trustworthiness? Localization of your site shows that you are really an international player. In addition, through localization, it shows that you value and have a high opinion of that particular region.
Website localization increases your income
Billions of dollars, pounds, and francs in potential income are lost each year due to lack of assets in website localization. Most internet users will obviously understand a company better if their info, products or services are present in their local language. With the help of website content localization process, you access potentially millions of new clientele.
As the number of local users increases on your websites, then chances to get more local business will also increase. By this way, you can earn more and more from your website.
Points to remember while localizing the website:
In adding up to the technical and programming fundamentals of website localization, lots of cultural factors must be borne in mind. For instance, has the language been translated correctly and has cultural variations in terminology, phrases, images, and sayings have been taken into the reflection? Does it have symbols, images, pictures, colors, and general layout for their cultural applicability?
Website localization is a huge investment and it is not a simple procedure. When localizing the content of your site, make certain you get the proficiency of both a website designer and a cross-cultural interactions consultancy to make sure your site has the maximum brunt on the target audience. So for website localization always select an expert who can provide you the best result.